Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How To Live Without New Year’s Resolutions.

Cambridge Dictionary defines  resolution  as a promise to yourself to do or to not do something.
Many people make a promise to do an act of self-improvement from the New Year’s Day. So this is a tradition of New Year’s resolutions.
Maybe you still want to learn something new about them?
You may want to read some of my posts about resolutions (herehere and here). Just change the numbers and… voilà! Resolutions for 2017!

Now let’s stop for a minute.
Many people think about what they should do, rather than what they really want to do. We think that we should be perfect.
That’s why so often we have the same list of resolutions (as if it could help us to become perfect): 1) become more physically fit; 2) improve health; 3) improve financial condition; 4) read more; 5) lose weight, etc.

As photographers, we have the same list of resolutions too: 1) take your camera with you everywhere; 2) stop comparing yourself with other photographers; 3) start your own photography blog; 4) start your own photography project, etc.

But maybe we need to change our perspective?

I recently read an article “Resolve to Get Real” by Dr. Wayne Dyer about resolutions in the new year.
And here's what he said,
“Forget about those New Year’s resolutions in which you decide on the first day of January how you will be conducting your life in September, some nine months later. Here’s why: any resolution that involves you making decisions about long-range upcoming behavior reinforces the self-defeating notion of living in the future rather than in the present moment.”

So the first lesson that Dr. Wayne Dyer gave us is to live in the present moment. 

I made my New Year’s resolutions for 2015 and 2016 years and I started two 52 weeks photo projects (“The simple things” and “Orange”).
To tell the truth, I thought about 365 project, but I was not sure that I was ready for this project.

And I’m grateful to Dr. Wayne Dyer for the second lesson.
It’s not so difficult to carry out our goals for one day. 

So, I’ll take my camera with me one day – on the 1st of January. It’s easy. And then – I’ll see what happens next…

Enjoy each of your days!

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