Monday, December 8, 2014

How to Get Out of the Cycle of Destruction if You are a Photographer.

“The story that we all live is the cycle of creation and destruction, of control and letting go, of picking up the pieces and making something new”. (Julie Burstein)

The truth is that it’s impossible to be creative all time. So there’s nothing awful in getting into the cycle of destruction especially when you know possibilities to get out of it. 

To quote Teresa Amabile “Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells”.

We spoke last time about the ways to be creative in photography. Here are more tricks to unblock your creative flow as a photographer.

1) Take photographs with a friend.
When we’re photographing alone, we tend to fall into the same pattern over and over again. Find someone else to practice with. You’ll be surprised that you get so different photographs of the same place at the same time.

2) Try another style.
We stick to what’s familiar and comfortable. We photograph only landscapes (or people, or abstract things, etc.). Try something new even if you’ll not turn to this style as your usual style. For example I truly can’t say that I’m a master of a street photography. But here you can see some of my photographs taken in this style.

3) Stop photographing.
Don’t be surprised. We do not speak about stopping photographing forever. You need a break.  Go for a trip (or for a walk) without you camera. Just to watch and to think, to find new subjects or new details for your photographs. When you come back, you’ll find that you can see familiar things in a new light. Stop photographing right now… for several hours… maybe several days…till you’ll understand that you are ready to photograph again.

Happy shooting!

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  1. I am not an expert to comment actually, but I thank you for the tips :) ... Good job, Best wishes!!!

    1. You ARE an expert, and a wise one... Thank you SO much, Nabeel!
